Family studies have long suggested a role for genetic factors in the aetiol
ogy of endometriosis. The influence of genes on disease development has mai
nly been researched independently of environmental factors, yet their inter
action must play an important role. Greater exposure to retrograde menstrua
tion and oestrogen is likely to increase the risk of endometriosis; toxic c
ompounds such as dioxin may increase the risk, although the only direct evi
dence has come from primate studies. Previous association studies implicate
d GALT (a gene involved in galactose metabolism), and GSTM1 and NAT2 (genes
encoding for the detoxification enzymes) as possible disease susceptibilit
y genes. Recent findings have added to the evidence for the involvement of
GSTM1 and NAT2, but have cast doubt on the role of GALT. However, the desig
n of many genetic and epidemiological studies has been inadequate with resp
ect to sample size, consistency in phenotype definition, and the choice of
control populations. These features are likely to influence results, and co
uld partly explain the lack of consistency in the findings. Future studies
should use a consistent disease definition and be of appropriate epidemiolo
gical design. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 13:309-314. (C) 2001 Lippincott Will
iams & Wilkins.