Mutations that totally disrupt androgen receptor function cause the well kn
own testicular feminizing syndrome or complete androgen insensitivity syndr
ome, wherein a 46 XY individual is completely feminized at birth. Recently
it has been increasingly obvious that androgen receptor mutations not only
result in the complete androgen insensitivity syndrome, but can cause a wid
e spectrum of milder insensitivity syndromes including ambiguous genitalia
in newborn infants, and 'idiopathic' male infertility in otherwise normal m
ales. Characterization of the molecular and structural mechanisms of androg
en receptor dysfunction in these cases has led to directed hormonal therapy
. Thus the differential response of a Met807Thr mutant androgen receptor to
dihydrotestosterone but not testosterone, have been used to restore male g
enital development in an infant with partial AIS. Of greater significance,
because they affect larger numbers of patients, are the mutations and polym
orphisms that result in depressed spermatogenesis and male infertility in p
henotypic males, Studies involving Singaporean, Australian, North American
and Japanese subjects have established that increases in length of a trinuc
leotide repeat (CAG) tract, encoding a polyglutamine stretch in the transac
tivation domain of the androgen receptor, are associated with increased ris
k of defective spermatogenesis and undermasculinization. Independent of the
CAG repeats, missense amino-acid substitutions in the ligand-binding domai
n, involving residues 727, 798 and 886 cause infertility through a novel me
chanism. Pathogenicity is transmitted, not through defective ligand binding
, but through defective protein-protein interactions between receptor domai
ns and coactivator proteins that are essential for gene transcription. Eluc
idation of the molecular and structural basis of androgen receptor dysfunct
ion in these cases allows precise genetic counseling and can lead to the de
sign of rational hormonal therapy. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 13:315-321. (C)
2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.