In the mouse the insulin-like growth factor receptor type 2 gene (Igf2r) is
imprinted and maternally expressed. Igf2r encodes a trans-membrane recepto
r that transports mannose-6-phosphate tagged proteins and insulin-like grow
th factor 2 to lysosomes. During development the receptor reduces the amoun
t of insulin-like growth factors and thereby decreases embryonic growth. Th
e dosage of the gene is tightly regulated by genomic imprinting, leaving on
ly the maternal copy of the gene active. Although the function of Igf2r in
development is well established, the function of imprinting the gene remain
s elusive. Gene targeting experiments in mouse have demonstrated that the m
ajority of genes are not sensitive to gene dosage, and mice heterozygous fo
r mutations generally lack phenotypic alterations. To investigate whether r
eduction of Igf2r gene dosage by genomic imprinting has functional conseque
nces for development we generated a non-imprinted allele In the mouse the i
nsulin-like growth factor receptor type 2 gene (Igf2r) is imprinted and mat
ernally expressed. Igf2r encodes a trans-membrane receptor that transports
mannose-6-phosphate tagged proteins and insulin-like growth factor 2 to lys
osomes. During development the receptor reduces the amount of insulin-like
growth factors and thereby decreases embryonic growth. The dosage of the ge
ne is tightly regulated by genomic imprinting, leaving only the maternal co
py of the gene active. Although the function of Igf2r in development is wel
l established, the function of imprinting the gene remains elusive. Gene ta
rgeting experiments in mouse have demonstrated that the majority of genes a
re not sensitive to gene dosage, and mice heterozygous for mutations genera
lly lack phenotypic alterations. To investigate whether reduction of Igf2r
gene dosage by genomic imprinting has functional consequences for developme
nt we generated a non-imprinted allele (R2 Delta), We restored biallelic ex
pression to Igf2r by deleting a critical element for repression of the pate
rnal allele (region 2) in mouse embryonic stem cells. Maternal inheritance
of the R2 Delta allele has no phenotype; however, paternal inheritance resu
lts in bialleleic expression of Igf2r, which causes a 20% reduction in weig
ht late in embryonic development that persists into adulthood. Paternal inh
eritance of the R2 Delta allele rescues the lethality of a maternally inher
ited Igf2r null allele and a maternally inherited Tme (T-associated materna
l effect) mutation. These data show that the biological function of imprint
ing Igf2r is to increase birth weight and they also establish Igf2r as the
Tme gene.