1. The negative effect of induced plant resistance on the preference and pe
rformance of herbivores is a well-documented ecological phenomenon that is
thought to be important for both plants and herbivores. This study links th
e well-developed mechanistic understanding of the biochemistry of induced p
lant resistance in the tomato system with an examination of how these mecha
nisms affect the community of herbivores in the field.
2. Several proteins that are induced in tomato foliage following herbivore
damage have been linked causally to reductions in herbivore performance und
er laboratory conditions. Application of jasmonic acid, a natural elicitor
of these defensive proteins, to tomato foliage stimulates induced responses
to herbivory.
3. Jasmonic acid was sprayed on plants in three doses to generate plants wi
th varying levels of induced responses, which were measured as increases in
the activities of proteinase inhibitors and polyphenol oxidase.
4. Field experiments conducted over 3 years indicated that induction of the
se defensive proteins is associated with decreases in the abundance of all
four naturally abundant herbivores, including insects in three feeding guil
ds, caterpillars, flea beetles, aphids, and thrips. Induced resistance kill
ed early instars of noctuid caterpillars. Adult flea beetles strongly prefe
rred control plants over induced plants, and this effect on host plant pref
erence probably contributed to differences in the natural abundance of flea
5. The general nature of the effects observed in this study suggests that i
nduced resistance will suppress many members of the herbivore community. By
linking plant biochemistry, insect preference, performance, and abundance,
tools can be developed to manipulate plant resistance sensibly and to pred
ict its outcome under field conditions.