Understanding the causes of population synchrony is an important issue for
population management. Its study in field populations involves disentanglin
g the effects of dispersal and correlated environmental noise. Here we repo
rt on an experimental investigation of the synchronizing effects of noise i
n closed laboratory populations of a soil mite, Sancassania berlesei. Mite
life-histories are highly plastic with respect to resource availability (wh
ich is a function of food supply and population density). By varying the fo
od supply we imposed environmental variation. We show that (a) population s
ynchrony is a function of environmental synchrony, (b) perceived population
synchrony depends on the life-history stage counted, and (c) average popul
ation synchrony tends to be lower than environmental synchrony: even when p
opulations were supplied with food with a correlation of 1.0, the correlati
on between populations was 0.63 (bootstrapped 95%CI 0.54-0.71). This suppor
ts recent theoretical work suggesting that the Moran theorem (indicating th
at population synchrony equals environmental synchrony) generally overestim
ates the population synchrony of nonlinear systems.