Recent evidence has emphasized the importance of apoptosis in the maintenan
ce of tissue homeostasis and the pathogenesis of malignant and immune disea
ses. Autoimmune thyroid diseases such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves
' disease, as well as other autoimmune endocrine diseases, have been associ
ated with dysregulation of apoptotic signaling pathways. In particular, dys
function of the Fas apoptotic pathway or production of soluble factors incl
uding soluble Fas and soluble Fas ligand may be involved in the pathogenesi
s of these disorders. On the other hand, malignant thyroid cells may avoid
Fas-mediated suicide possibly by expression of inhibitors of apoptosis and
evade the immune system by inducing apoptosis on infiltrating lymphocytes.
The delicate balance between cell proliferation and cell death through the
Fas pathway may also play an important role in the control of thyroid cell
mass and goitrogenesis. This review analyzes the current evidence on the ro
le of Fas-mediated apoptosis in the pathogenesis of thyroid diseases includ
ing Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Graves' disease, thyroid cancer and goiter. Ho
wever, the exact mechanisms involved in the regulation of apoptosis in thyr
oid disease remain unclear. Further investigation is needed.