As is well known, Frege gave an explicit definition of number (belonging to
some concept) in 68 of his Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik (Frege 1884) as f
ollows: the number (die Anzahl) which belongs to the concept F is the exten
sion of the concept 'equinumerous to the concept F'. Here number is defined
as an extension of some second-order concept. In other words, a number is
a kind of object. After having defined individual numbers, in the following
sections ( 74-83) Frege showed how to derive the main theorems of arithmet
ic. In those derivations, however, Frege did not use the explicit definitio
n of number. Rather he used a kind of contextual definition of number which
is now called 'Hume's Principle':
# F = # G <--> F approximate to G
where '#F' means 'the number which belongs to the concept F', 'F approximat
e to G' means 'the concept F is equinumerous to the concept G' or 'there is
a one-to-one correspondence between objects falling under the concept F an
d objects falling under the concept G'. Unlike in Frege's explicit definiti
on, in this contextual definition the essence of number, that is, what numb
er is, is not given, but only the criterion of identity of numbers.
According to Frege's later system of Grundgesetze der Arithmetik (Frege 189
3-1903) the criterion of identity of the extensions of concepts is given by
Axiom V as the coextension of those concepts: 'epsilonF epsilon = 'alphaG
alpha <-> For Allx(Fx <-> Gx) (the extension of the concept F is the same a
s the extension of the concept G if and only if every object falling under
the concept F falls under the concept G and vice versa). When the explicit
definition of number: #F = 'X(F approximate to X) (the number belonging to
the concept 'equinumerous to the concept F') is connected with the instance
of (second-order) Axiom V: 'X(F approximate to X) =' Y(G approximate to Y)
<-> For AllH(F approximate to H <-> G approximate to H), there is the dang
er that a contradiction like Russell's paradox might arise. Therefore, in o
rder to avoid contradiction, it is desirable to use a principle which is gu
aranteed consistency. Recently several researchers(1) have noticed that in
the Grundlagen, Frege gave a basis sufficient to derive theorems of arithme
tic (including Peano Arithmetic), but using only Hume's Principle-which is
consistent. Boolos believes that this work of Frege is significant enough t
o deserve the title 'Frege's Theorem'.
The purpose of the present paper is, first, to confirm this claim of Boolos
' by following his arguments that Frege's results, which he calls 'Frege's
theorem', can be established, and second, to reconsider the significance of
Frege's results for the logicist program. In section 1, in accordance with
Boolos, we construct 'Frege arithmetic', a formal system which will serve
as the foundation to prove Frege's theorem, and make the role of Hume's Pri
nciple in this system explicit. Then in section 2, we actually derive some
theorems of arithmetic, including Peano's five axioms, by reconstructing Fr
ege's arguments in 74-83 of his Grundlagen. Lastly, in section 3, we consid
er the significance of Frege's theorem and locate it in his whole logistic
programme. This suggests that, despite the discovery of inconsistency in th
e Grundgezetze, Frege's logicism can be seen in a new and more favourable l