We undertook the present study to examine alterations affecting the RE path
way in the G1 checkpoint and to determine their potential clinical signific
ance in children affected with nonfamilial retinoblastoma, Using immunohist
ochemistry, patterns of expression of pRB, p16/INK4A, and E2F1 were analyze
d in tissue from a cohort of 86 well-characterized patients with nonfamilia
l retinoblastoma diagnosed at the "Instituto Nacional de Pediatria" in Mexi
co City. The relationship of these phenotypes to proliferative index was as
sessed by analysis of Ki67 antigen expression. pRB expression was found in
11 (13%) cases. Using a hypophosphorylated specific pRB antibody, we observ
ed low levels of underphosphorylated pRS expression in only 1 of 9 evaluabl
e positive cases. These data suggest that the detected pRB products were hy
perphosphorylated and thus had decreased functional activity. Increased p16
nuclear expression was found in only 6 tumors. No tumors showed deletions
or mobility shifts of the INK4A gene. Undetectable pRB levels were signific
antly associated with undetectable p16 expression (odds ratio, 10.8; 95% co
nfidence interval, 1.4-81.3; P = .03). All tumors showed nuclear immunoreac
tivities for E2F1 and Ki67, Increased Ki67 proliferative index was associat
ed with increased staining for E2F1 (r = .44; P = .008) and increasing clin
ical stage (P = .03), Among children with unilateral disease, the mean Ki67
proliferative index was significantly higher in children with advanced cli
nical disease (stages 3 and 4) (mean 81.25; SD 6.78) than in those with ear
lier stage disease (mean 69.50; SD 9.45) (P = 0.001). Among children with b
ilateral disease, however, the mean proliferative index was not significant
ly higher for children with advanced clinical stage. When examining all cas
es together, there was a significant trend toward increasing proliferative
index with increasing clinical stage (P = .03). In unilateral tumors, we al
so found that presence of detectable pRB was associated with a lower percen
tage of cells expressing E2F1 (46.1% nu 70.8%) (P = 0.05), whereas there wa
s no association between presence of pRB and E2F1 among bilateral tumors. W
e have found that expression of some of the cell cycle markers examined var
ies according to laterality, suggesting underlying differences in the capac
ity for cell cycle regulation between these 2 forms of the disease. Differe
nces in capacities for cell cycle regulation may account for some differenc
es in clinical behavior. Thus, the inclusion of molecular markers may becom
e useful adjuncts to clinicopathological staging and subsequent determinati
on of therapy. Copyright (C) 2001 by W.B. Saunders Company.