From a practical standpoint, oscillator design using linear open-loop S-par
ameters is attractive to designers due to the ease of use and widespread av
ailability of linear S-parameter-based analysis software, However, the easi
est and, therefore, most common approach is based on intuition and rules of
thumb. The intent of this paper is to obtain quantitative expressions that
characterize oscillator performance in terms of the linear open-loop S-par
ameters, A characteristic equation is derived that determines oscillator st
ability. The Nyquist stability criteria can be applied to this equation dir
ectly from the open-loop Bode plot, A closed-loop gain parameter is derived
, which describes how the open-loop circuit self-connects, From this parame
ter, the startup time, oscillation frequency, and loaded Q can be predicted
. A prediction of actual oscillation frequency can be made based on a simpl
e oscillator model with known saturation characteristics. It will be shown
under what conditions these expressions simplify to more readily applicable
forms. In many cases, the designer can adjust analysis parameters to allow
the use of the simplified expressions.