Turbo codes are the most recent breakthrough in coding theory. However, the
decoder's implementation cost limits their incorporation in commercial sys
tems, Although the decoding algorithm is highly data dominated, no true mem
ory optimization study has been performed yet. We have extensively and syst
ematically investigated different memory optimizations for the maximum a po
steriori (MAP) class of decoding algorithms. It turns out that it is not po
ssible to present one decoder structure as being optimal. In bet, there are
several tradeoffs, which depend on the specific turbo code, the implementa
tion target (hardware or software), and the selected cost function, We ther
efore end up with a parametric family of new optimized algorithms out of wh
ich the designer can choose. The impact of our optimizations is illustrated
by a representative example, which shows a significant decrease in both de
coding energy (factor 2.5) and delay (factor 1.7).