Assembly of C5b-9 on cell membranes results in transmembrane channels and c
auses cell death. When the number of C5b-9 molecules is limited, nucleated
cells are able to escape cell death by endocytosis and by shedding of membr
anes bearing C5b-9. Sublytic C5b-9 induces proto-oncogenes, activates the c
ell cycle, and enhances cell survival. In addition, C5b-9 reverses the diff
erentiated phenotype of postmitotic cells, such as oligodendrocytes and ske
letal muscle cells. The signal transduction pathways responsible for cell c
ycle activation by C5b-9 include Gi-mediated activation of extracellular si
gnal-regulated kinase 1 and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K). Cell sur
vival enhanced by C5b-9 is mediated by the PI3-K/Akt pathway, which inhibit
s apoptosis through regulation of BAD. These findings indicate that complem
ent activation and membrane assembly of syblytic C5b-9 play an important ro
le in inflammation by promoting cell proliferation and by rescuing apoptoti
c cells.