The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among maternal ps
ychopathology, early sensitive caregiving, and security of attachment in a
sample of cocaine-using women from environments with high contextual risks
that include poverty, low educational attainment, minority status, and sing
le parenthood. Thirty-five women and their offspring participated in the st
udy. Maternal psychopathology, including Axis I and Axis II disorders, was
assessed during the prenatal period via a self-report clinical measure. Mat
ernal sensitivity was assessed at 1 month and 6 months postdelivery through
rating scales. At 18 months postdelivery, toddlers' attachment to their mo
thers was assessed via the Strange Situation procedure. Also at 18 months,
mothers' level of depression was assessed via a depression inventory. Mater
nal psychopathology during pregnancy was found to be associated with both e
arly caregiving and attachment. Mothers demonstrating clinical levels of pa
rticular Axis II disorders provided less sensitive caregiving, and had todd
lers who were more likely to be disorganized/disoriented in their attachmen
ts. For Axis I disorders, only clinical levels of prenatal dysthymia were f
ound to be associated with a greater likelihood of secure attachment.