Structural analyses along selected transects across the Menderes Massif and
incorporation of existing data have resulted in a synthetic cross section
across southwestern Turkey. The tectonic interpretation has been combined w
ith Ar-40/Ar-39 laser-probe experiments on two syn-kinematic white mica pop
ulations, which, respectively, predate and overprint documented Early Mioce
ne deformational fabrics. Our results indicate that the regional extension
had initiated by Eocene-Oligocene times. A 36 +/-2 Ma Ar-40/Ar-39 age deriv
ed from white mica which formed during a regionally observed, northward-dir
ected tectonic transport suggests that the extension was contemporaneous wi
th the tectonic emplacement of mid-crustal continental basement. Alternativ
ely, the age may relate to the regional cooling of the basement sequence, a
nd thus postdates the tectonic emplacement, In the latter scenario, the ana
lysis fails to solve the present ambiguity on the Pan-African or Alpine aff
inity of the northward-directed transport. Further exhumation of basement r
ocks is characterized by a dominant displacement along the north-dipping Ge
diz Detachment at the northern margin of the massif, which developed under
ductile conditions in the Early Miocene by partial exploitation of older zo
nes of weakness, which originated from an earlier phase of basement emplace
ment. Youngest (semi)ductile activity along the Gediz Detachment has been r
ecorded as having a 7 +/-1 Ma Ar-40/Ar-39 age derived from syn-kinematic wh
ite mica in the top of the detachment. Following the initiation of the duct
ile Gediz Detachment, an antithetic, semibrittle, and south-dipping Buyuk M
enderes Detachment had developed in the center of the massif, which, togeth
er with the Gediz Detachment, accommodated further doming of the central pa
rt of the Menderes Massif and controlled the architecture of the surroundin
g supradetachment basins.