A phase Doppler anemometer (PDA) system was used to measure the velocity pr
ofiles and air bubble size distributions downstream of two-dimensional hydr
aulic jumps for different upstream flow conditions in a 1.92 m long laborat
ory flume. The PDA detected bubbles from 1 to 500 mum in diameter, and more
were found at the bottom of the downstream flow near the elevation of the
upstream free surface. This distribution was more marked for smaller bubble
s, those with diameters less than 100 mum. The migration of the bubbles is
controlled by the effects of buoyancy and by turbulent mixing; the relative
magnitude of their effects on bubble distribution depends strongly on bubb
le size, and also on the energy of the upstream flow. (C) 2001 Elsevier Sci
ence Ltd. All rights reserved.