Whereas gravity has an inspiratory effect in upright subjects, transient up
ward acceleration is reported to have an expiratory effect. To explore the
respiratory effects of transient axial accelerations, we measured axial acc
eleration at the head and transrespiratory pressure or airflow in five subj
ects as they were dropped or lifted on a platform. For the first 100 ms, up
ward acceleration caused a decrease in mouth pressure and inspiratory flow,
and downward acceleration caused the opposite. We also simulated these exp
erimental observations by using a computational model of a passive respirat
ory system based on anatomical data and normal respiratory characteristics.
After 100 ms, respiratory airflow in our subjects became highly variable,
no longer varying with acceleration. Electromyograms of thoracic and abdomi
nal respiratory muscles showed bursts of activity beginning 40-125 ms after
acceleration, suggesting reflex responses responsible for subsequent flow
variability. We conclude that, in relaxed subjects, transient upward axial
acceleration causes inspiratory airflow and downward acceleration causes ex
piratory airflow, but that after similar to 100 ms, reflex activation of re
spiratory musculature largely determines airflow.