We analysed clutch size versus nest size in 153 broods of the Northern Flic
ker Colaptes auratus a woodpecker using natural cavities in British Columbi
a. Canada. Larger volume cavities were less susceptible to predation and ca
vity size was positively associated with the age and body size of males and
with the body condition of female parents. Although clutches varied betwee
n 4 and 11 eggs, and the floor area of cavities varied about 5-fold, we fou
nd no relationship between clutch sire and floor area or cavity volume. To
see if there were fitness consequences to clutch size relative to nest size
. we examined hatching success and nestling mortality in flicker broods. Ha
tching success was not related to cavity size, but crowding slightly reduce
d nestling survival even when clutch size was controlled statistically. How
ever, there was no effect or cavity size on the total number of nestlings f
ledged. Newly excavated flicker cavities were smaller than reused cavities
suggesting a cost to excavation. This cost, coupled with the minimal fitnes
s consequences of overcrowding. may explain why flickers do nut adjust clut
ch size to cavity size.