The distribution of the sibling slug species Arion hortensis s.s. and Arion
distinctus in Northern Switzerland is described. In the sampled area, both
species were almost equally abundant and their distributions overlapped. M
ost of the sampled sites contained both species. Arion hortensis s.s. is mo
re common in Switzerland than previously known. and its range extends more
towards the east of Switzerland. Arion hortensis s.s. was more abundant in
gardens than in the other habitats sampled. At sites where only A, distinct
us occurred, the form with a bipartite oviduct prevailed. Ar sites where bo
th species were present, the form of A. distinctus with a tripartite oviduc
t was more common than the form with a bipartite oviduct. In captivity, one
specimen of A. distinctus mated with one A. hortensis s.s., as indicated b
y a spermatophore of A. distinctus that was found within the atrium of one
A. hortensis s.s. A majority of the specimens could by assigned to the corr
ect species by their colouration, but a safe distinction between A. hortens
is s.s. and A. distinctus is only possible using characters of the reproduc
tive system.