Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an animal model for mult
iple sclerosis (MS) mediated by T cells responding to CNS myelin proteins.
Immunization of SWXJ mice with the immunodominant p139-151 peptide of myeli
n proteolipid protein (PLP) results in a relapsing-remitting pattern of EAE
characterized by incomplete remyelination during clinical recovery. In the
present study we observed two distinct clinical patterns of spontaneous re
mission during recovery from EAE, viz., sustained remission involving conti
nuous neurologic improvement and aborted remission involving modest transie
nt clinical improvement. We hypothesized that the ability to recover from a
utoimmune demyelination was directly linked to remyelination events that re
capitulated developmental processes. Quantitative immunocytochemistry of CN
S tissue showed decreased demyelination in mice undergoing sustained remiss
ion compared to mice undergoing aborted remission. Quantitative RT-PCR anal
ysis showed elevated expression of DM20, the developmental isoform of PLP,
in CNS tissue from mice undergoing sustained remission compared to mice und
ergoing aborted recovery. Moreover, DM20 expression was similarly elevated
in CNS tissue from mice undergoing sustained recovery from EAE relapse. Our
data indicate that expression of the developmental DM20 isoform of PLP is
intimately associated with decreased demyelination and sustained clinical r
ecovery from EAE, Thus, DM20 gene expression may provide an appropriate mol
ecular target for promoting CNS remyelination and may serve as a useful mar
ker for predicting clinical outcome and assessing the effectiveness of stra
tegies aimed at promoting CNS tissue repair during autoimmune demyelinating
disease. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.