Ag. Beu, Gradual Miocene to Pleistocene uplift of the Central American isthmus: Evidence from tropical American tonnoidean gastropods, J PALEONTOL, 75(3), 2001, pp. 706-720
Tonnoidean gastropods have planktotrophic larval lives of up to a year and
are widely dispersed in ocean currents; the larvae maintain genetic exchang
e between adult populations. They therefore are expected to respond rapidly
to new geographic barriers by either extinction or speciation. Fossil tonn
oideans on the opposite coast of the Americas from their present-day range
demonstrate that larval transport still was possible through Central Americ
a at the time of deposition of the fossils. Early Miocene occurrences of Cy
praecassis tenuis (now eastern Pacific) in the Caribbean probably indicate
that constriction of the Central American seaway had commenced by Middle Mi
ocene lime. Pliocene larval transport through the seaway is demonstrated by
Bursa rugosa (now eastern Pacific) in Caribbean Miocene-latest Pliocene/Ea
rly Pleistocene rocks; Crossata ventricosa (eastern Pacific) in late Plioce
ne rocks of Atlantic Panama; Distorsio clathrata (western Atlantic) in midd
le Pliocene rocks of Ecuador; Cymatium wiegmanni (eastern Pacific) in middl
e Pliocene rocks of Atlantic Costa Pica, Sconsia sublaevigata (western Atla
ntic) in Pliocene rocks of Darien, Pacific Panama; and Distorsio constricta
(eastern Pacific) in latest Pliocene-Early Pleistocene rocks of Atlantic C
osta Pica. Continued Early or middle Pleistocene connections are demonstrat
ed by Cymatium cingulatum (now Atlantic) in the Armuelles Formation of Paci
fic Panama. Tonnoideans indicate that the Central American seaway began to
be constricted after early Miocene time, and some larval transport through
the seaway was possible throughout Pliocene time. Intermittent marine conne
ctions were maintained at least during late Pliocene to early Pleistocene i
nterglacial periods of high sea-level, and alternated with a land bridge du
ring glacial periods of low sea-level.