We carried out a systematic study of typical defect contrasts in various si
ngle grains of icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystals. White-beam topographs wi
th different sample-to-detector distances and multiple-crystal topographs w
ith different sample-to-detector distances, different working points on the
rocking curve and different harmonic reflections have been recorded. Despi
te the extreme geometrical resolution at the ID19 topography beamline of th
e ESRF, white-beam topography showed reasonable (not blurred) contrast only
for very short sample-to-detector distances (<4 cm). Depending on the defe
ct type, in synchrotron multiple-crystal topography the defect contrast cha
nges considerably as a function of the position of the working point on the
rocking curve. Under the special conditions chosen, the dependence of cont
rast shape and size on the harmonic reflection used was rather weak.