Mine water in the Upper Olifants River Catchment in Mpumalanga (upstream of
Loskop Dam) is at times discharged into local streams, resulting in local
acidification and regional salination of surface water resources. Pollution
of surface water can be prevented by collecting and heating mine water to
a quality where it could be re-used without restriction (Cleanwater 2020 In
itiative). Mine water in the Olifants River Catchment currently amounts to
only 4,6% of the total water usage, but contributes 78,4% of the sulphate l
Limestone and lime treatment is the most cost-effective technology for neut
ralization and partial sulphate removal of acidic/sulphate-rich water to su
lphate levels of less than 1500 mg/l due to precipitation of magnesium and
removal of the associated sulphate fraction (through gypsum crystallization
). Neutralized mine water of this quality may be suitable for irrigation. A
number of alternative desalination treatment technologies were investigate
d (subsequent to gypsum crystallization pre-treatment) where treated mine w
ater must meet more stringent quality requirements (e.g. less than 200 mg/l
SO4). The capital cost of these processes varied between R4 million/(Ml/d)
and R10 million/(Ml/d) and the running cost between R2/m(3) and R5/m(3).
Water usage in the Upper Olifants River Catchment currently amounts to 947
Ml/d (including the power stations), and wilt increase to an estimated 1385
Ml/d by 2020. The additional water demand by 2020 (438 Ml/d) will have to
be supplied by importation from neighbouring catchments, and more efficient
utilization of the local water resources, including excess mine water. Var
ious levels of treatment are required to make mine water suitable for the f
ollowing potential applications (acceptable treated water sulphate concentr
ation shown in brackets): irrigation (2000 mg/l), coal processing plant (10
00 mg/l),general industrial use (500 mg/l), discharge to public streams (50
0 mg/l), potable use (200 mg/l) and cooling water in power stations (20 to
40 mg/l). The following two options, or a combination thereof can be consid
ered for management of excess mine water in the Upper Olifants River Catchm
Collection and treatment of excess mine water to a quality suitable for sel
ected urban and industrial applications (Option A).
Collection and treatment of mine water to a quality suitable for irrigation
(Option B).
The estimated capital and running cost For Option A amounts to R528.5 milli
on and R55.7 million/year, respectively, compared with R68,2 million and R1
1,9 million/year for Option B. It is recommended that Option B be investiga
ted for implementation in the short to medium-term. Option B was selected d
ue to cost benefits and the initial favourable results obtained by a joint
Water Research Commission and Coal Industry initiative where mine water is
used for irrigation. Option A may become feasible in the long-term to ensur
e maximum environmental protection acid reduced treatment cost as a result
of anticipated technological improvements over the next 5 to 10 years.