Cross-correlation analysis is the most valuable and widely used statistical
tool for evaluating the strength and direction of time-lagged relationship
s between ecological variables. Although it is well understood that tempora
l autocorrelation can inflate estimates of cross correlations and cause hig
h rates of incorrectly concluding that lags exist among time series (i.e. t
ype I error), in this study we show that a problem we term intra-multiplici
ty can cause substantial bias in crosscorrelation analysis even in the abse
nce of autocorrelation. Intra-multiplicity refers to the numerous time lags
examined and cross-correlation coefficients computed within a pair of time
series during cross-correlation analysis. We show using Monte Carlo simula
tions that intra-multiplicity can spuriously inflate estimates of cross cor
relations by identifying incorrect time lags. Further, unlike autocorrelati
on, which generally identifies lags close to the true lag, intra-multiplici
ty can erroneously identify lags anywhere in the time series and commonly r
esults in a direction change of the correlation (i.e. positive or negative)
. Using Monte Carlo simulations we develop formulas that quantify the bias
introduced by intra-multiplicity as a function of sample size, true cross c
orrelation between the series, and the number of time lags examined. A prio
ri these formulas enable researchers to determine the sample size needed to
minimize the biases introduced by intra-multiplicity. A posteriori the for
mulas can be used to predict the expected bias and type I error rate associ
ated with the data at hand, as well as the maximum number of time lags that
can be analyzed to minimize the effects of intra-multiplicity. We examine
the relationship between commercial catch of chum salmon and surface temper
atures of the North Pacific (1925-1992) to illustrate the problems of intra
-multiplicity in fisheries studies and the application of our formulas. The
se analyses provide a more robust framework to assess the temporal relation
ships between ecological variables.