Cells from dissociated embryonic avian retinae have the capacity to re-aggr
egate in rotation culture and form cellular spheres reconstituting a comple
te arrangement of all retina[ layers. This exquisite phenomenon is based up
on in vitro proliferation of multipotent precursor stem cells and spatial o
rganization of their differentiating descendants. The addition of soluble f
actors from cultured retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) or radial glial cel
ls is essential to revert inside-out spheres (rosetted retinal spheres) int
o correctly laminated outside-out-spheres (stratified spheres). Such comple
te restoration of a laminated brain tissue by cell re-aggregation has been
achieved only for the embryonic avian retina, but not the mammalian retina,
nor for other brain parts. This review summarises the history of the re-ag
gregation approach, presents avian retinal re-aggregate models, and analyse
s roles of the RPE and Muller cells for successful retinal tissue regenerat
ion. It is predicted that these results will become biomedically relevant,
as stem cell biology will soon open ways to produce large amounts of human
retinal precursors. NeuroReport 12:39-46 (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wil