We aimed to reveal what is coded in the basal ganglia of domestic chicks. I
n the water-reinforced 'go' task, chicks learned to peck selectively at a c
olored bead in order to obtain a drop of water. Out of 38 units obtained, s
even showed excitatory activities specifically during the reward period. In
the food-reinforced go/no-go task, chicks learned to discriminate two colo
rs to obtain mash food after a delay period. They also learned to ignore an
other color, which was not associated with a reward. Out of 27 units obtain
ed, four showed excitatory activities during the cue period, specifically w
hen a food reward was anticipated. LPO neurons may code qualities of the ob
tained rewards, and also chick's anticipation of the forthcoming rewards. N
euroReport 12:1431-1435 (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.