In recent years a variety of high-order schemes for the numerical solution
of conservation laws has been developed. In general, these numerical method
s involve expensive flux evaluations in order to resolve discontinuities ac
curately. But in large parts of the flow domain the solution is smooth. Hen
ce in these regions an unexpensive finite difference scheme suffices. In or
der to reduce the number of expensive flux evaluations we employ a multires
olution strategy which is similar in spirit to an approach that has been pr
oposed by A. Harten several years ago. Concrete ingredients of this methodo
logy have been described so far essentially for problems in a single space
dimension. In order to realize such concepts for problems with several spat
ial dimensions and boundary fitted meshes essential deviations from previou
s investigations appear to be necessary though. This concerns handling the
more complex interrelations of fluxes across cell interfaces, the derivatio
n of appropriate evolution equations for multiscale representations of cell
averages, stability and convergence, quantifying the compression effects b
y suitable adapted multiscale transformations and last but not least laying
grounds for ultimately avoiding the storage of data corresponding to a ful
l global mesh for the highest level of resolution. The objective of this pa
per is to develop such ingredients for any spatial dimension and block stru
ctured meshes obtained as parametric images of Cartesian grids. We conclude
with some numerical results for the two-dimensional Euler equations modeli
ng hypersonic flow around a blunt body.