In the Dual-Primal FETI method, introduced by Farhat ct al. [5], the domain
is decomposed into non-overlapping subdomains, but the degrees of freedom
on crosspoints remain common to ail subdomains adjacent to the crosspoint.
The continuity of the remaining degrees of freedom on subdomain interfaces
is enforced by Lagrange multipliers and all degrees of freedom are eliminat
ed. The resulting dual problem is solved by preconditioned conjugate gradie
nts. We give an algebraic bound on the condition number, assuming only a si
ngle inequality in discrete norms, and use the algebraic bound to show that
the condition number is bounded by C(1 + log(2)(H/h)) for both second and
fourth order elliptic selfadjoint problems discretized by conforming finite
elements, as well as for a wide class of finite elements for the Reissner-
Mindlin plate model.