Within the family of Triad power-regions (North America, Europe, East Asia)
, the Eurasian economic axis persists as the poor third relation in compari
son to its transatlantic and transpacific counterparts. This study examines
the nature of the "Cinderella complex" that besets EU-East. Asia economic
relations and the structural constraints within the Triadic political econo
my that impede its resolution. It more specifically considers what role can
be played by the Asia-Europe Meetings (ASEM) inter-regional framework in f
ortifying the Eurasian economic relationship. Moreover, the capacity of ASE
M to develop its geo-strategic and multilateral utility is a core theme of
this article. It is proposed that at the millennial, ASEM has missed variou
s opportunities both to enhance its salience and to take bolder initiatives
in the Eurasian co-management of the post-hegemonic world order. Such pass
ivity was most clearly revealed in ASEM's handling of the 1997-98 East Asia
n financial crisis. Thus, as it currently stands, ASEM possesses limited ca
pacity to significantly redress the structural imbalances in the Triadic po
litical economy a far more substantive ASEM agenda is required to fulfil it
s potential geo-strategic and multilateral utility. This study notes that p
roposals carried in the first report of the recently established ASEM Visio
n Group would make a significant initial contribution towards this end.