Bibliographic citations or "references" are an important component of all s
cientific manuscripts. The authors are responsible of their accuracy and th
ey should follow the format and style requested by the journal where they a
re submitting their paper. Revista Medica de Chile adheres to the "Uniform
Requirements" established by the Vancouver Group of Medical Editors. Equall
y important is a correct choice of references, including those original art
icles strictly connected to the content of the manuscript. The number of ci
tations usually vary according to the specific character of the study: rese
arch article or irrelevant citations, or the omission of important articles
, etc. Common mistakes are due to an excessive number of repetitive of irre
levant citations, or the omission of important articles sometimes not found
in bibliographic indexes, or an erroneous claims of priority in reporting
an observation. Finally, in developing countries the authors should include
previous reports appeared in their own local journals, therefore improving
their opportunities of achieving international visibility.