Vortex-generating tabs arranged in the form of an array have been examined
experimentally using a laser Doppler anemometer in a two-stream mixing flow
situation. The vortex-generating tabs are the, "delta tabs:" i.e., triangu
lar-shaped protrusions into the how attached to the trailing edge of the sp
litter plate. A velocity ratio of 2:1 (upper and lower) between the two cof
lowing streams was used. Three arrangements for the tabs are investigated.
Case 1 has all of the tabs located on the high-speed side. The tabs are loc
ated alternatively on either side of the splitter plate for case 2, and fin
ally, case 3 is similar to case 2,but the tab on the low-speed side is tilt
ed upstream (i.e.,; similar to a delta-wing vortex generator). Mutual cance
llation between streamwise vortices rotating in the opposite sense was obse
rved in case 1, whereas in case 2 the merging of streamwise vortices rotati
ng in the same sense had delayed the decay of the streamwise vorticity. For
case 3 the upstream tilted tab appeared to have generated relatively weak
streamwise vortices so that they were canceled off by the vortices generate
d on the high-speed side near the trailing edge; Finally, the turbulence ch
aracteristics for each case are presented and discussed.