The effects of bulk expansion and compression on turbulence levels in super
sonic boundary layers were predicted using the law of angular momentum cons
ervation. For the compression case the present analysis predicted the ampli
fication of turbulence level quite well when the effect of extra strain rat
e caused by the streamline curvature is small, where it was estimated that
90-95% of the increase in the turbulence level is caused by the bulk compre
ssion. When extra strain rate effects are present, however, the contributio
n of the bulk compression on the total turbulence level was reduced to abou
t 85-90%. The predicted general trend of turbulence amplification with incr
easing flow-turning angle, which seems to be closely related to the linear
increase in the mean density agrees well with that of other researchers. Fo
r the expansion case, however, a quantitative comparison was challenging be
cause the available experimental data were taken too close to the end of th
e perturbation region, thus not showing the relaxation behavior. In both co
mpression and expansion flows the bulk dilatation was found to be the domin
ant factor responsible for the changed turbulence intensity.