Pet-assisted therapy in the nursing home setting, as a vital component of t
he Eden Alternative or Human Habitat program, is gaining widespread recogni
tion and implementation. Programs such as this help to improve the quality
of life of nursing home residents by offsetting resident loneliness, helple
ssness, and boredom. However, use of companion animals (and, frequently, bi
rds and fish) may be associated with the introduction of infectious entitie
s that are normally uncommon in this setting (zoonosis). Examples include p
sittacosis, bartonellosis, toxocariasis, Capnocytophaga canimorsus, pasture
llosis, Q fever, and leptospirosis, to name but a few. Hence vigilance for
unusual clinical manifestations that may herald such diseases is necessary.
in addition, prevention of such illnesses by routine veterinary screening
of both resident and visiting companion animals is mandatory. Infection con
trol policies and procedures geared toward management and prevention of zoo
notic illnesses should be developed and implemented in all nursing homes of
fering pet-assisted therapy.