Hibernation, a natural model of tolerance to cerebral ischemia, represents
a state of pronounced fluctuation in cerebral blood flow where no brain dam
age occurs. Numerous neuroprotective aspects may contribute in concert to s
uch tolerance. The purpose of this study was to determine whether hibernati
ng brain tissue is tolerant to penetrating brain injury modeled by insertio
n of microdialysis probes. Guide cannulae were surgically implanted in stri
atum of Arctic ground squirrels before any of the animals began to hibernat
e. Microdialysis probes were then inserted in some animals after they enter
ed hibernation and in others while they remained euthermic. The brain tissu
e from hibernating and euthermic animals was examined 3 days after implanta
tion of microdialysis probes. Tissue response, indicated by examination of
hematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue sections and immunocytochemical identi
fication of activated microglia, astrocytes, and hemeoxygenase-1 immunoreac
tivity, was dramatically attenuated around probe tracks in hibernating anim
als com pared to euthermic controls. No difference in tissue response aroun
d guide cannulae was observed between groups. Further study of the mechanis
ms underlying neuroprotective aspects of hibernation may lead to novel ther
apeutic strategies for stroke and traumatic brain injury.