A detailed biophysical model of hippocampal region CA3 was constructed
to study how GABAergic modulation influences place field development
and the learning and recall of sequence information. Simulations inclu
ded 1,000 multicompartmental pyramidal cells, each consisting of seven
intrinsic and four synaptic currents, and 200 multicompartmental inte
rneurons, consisting of two intrinsic and four synaptic currents. Exci
tatory rhythmic septal input to the apical dendrites of pyramidal cell
s and both excitatory and inhibitory input to interneurons at theta fr
equencies provided a cellular basis for the development of theta and g
amma frequency oscillations in population activity. The fundamental fr
equency of theta oscillations was dictated by the driving rhythm from
the septum. Gamma oscillation frequency, however, was determined by bo
th the decay time of the gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABA(A))-receptor-
mediated synaptic current and the overall level of excitability in int
erneurons due to alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole proprionic
acid and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-receptor-gated channel activatio
n. During theta population activity, total GABAB-receptor-mediated con
ductance levels were found to gradually rise and fall in rhythmic fash
ion with the predominant population frequency (theta rhythm). This res
ulted in periodic GABA(B)-receptor-mediated suppression of excitatory
synaptic transmission at recurrent collaterals (intrinsic fibers) of p
yramidal cells and suppression of inhibitory synaptic transmission to
both pyramidal cells and interneurons. To test the ability of the mode
l to learn and recall temporal sequence information, a completion task
was employed. During learning, the network was presented a sequence o
f nonorthogonal spatial patterns. Each input pattern represented a spa
tial ''location'' of a simulated rat running a specific navigational p
ath. Hebbian-type learning was expressed as an increase in postsynapti
c NMDA-receptor-mediated conductances. Because of several factors incl
uding the sparse, asymmetric excitatory synaptic connections among pyr
amidal cells in the model and a sufficient degree of random ''backgrou
nd'' firing unrelated to the input patterns, repeated simulated runs r
esulted in the gradual emergence of place fields where a given cell be
gan to respond to a contiguous segment of locations on the path. Durin
g recall, the simulated rat was placed at a random location on the pre
viously learned path and tested to see whether the sequence of locatio
ns could be completed on the basis of this initial position. Periodic
GABA(B)-receptor-mediated suppression of excitatory and inhibitory tra
nsmission at intrinsic but not afferent fibers resulted in sensory inf
ormation about location being dominant during early portions of each t
heta cycle when GABA(B)-receptor-related effects were highest. This su
ppression declined with levels of GABA(B) receptor activation toward t
he end of a theta cycle, resulting in an increase in synaptic transmis
sion at intrinsic fibers and the subsequent recall of a segment of the
entire location sequence. This scenario typically continued across th
eta cycles until the full sequence was recalled. When the GABA(B)-rece
ptor-mediated suppression of excitatory and inhibitory transmission at
intrinsic fibers was not included in the model, place field developme
nt was curtailed and the network consequently exhibited poor learning
and recall performance. This was, in part, due to increased competitio
n of information from intrinsic and afferent fibers during early porti
ons of each theta cycle. Because afferent sensory information did not
dominate early in each cycle, the current location of the rat was obsc
ured by ongoing activity from intrinsic sources. Furthermore, even whe
n the current location was accurately identified, competition between
afferent and intrinsic sources resulted in a tendency for rapid recall
of several locations at once, which often lead to inaccuracies in the
sequence. Thus the rat often recalled a path different from the parti
cular one that was learned. GABA(B)-receptor-mediated modulation of ex
citatory synaptic transmission within a theta cycle resulted in a syst
ematic relationship between single-unit activity and peaks in pyramida
l cell population behavior (theta rhythm). Because presynaptic inhibit
ion of intrinsic fibers was strongest at early portions of each theta
cycle, single-unit firing usually started late in a cycle as the place
field of the associated cell was approached. This firing typically ad
vanced to progressively earlier phases in a theta cycle as the place f
ield was traversed. Thus, as the rat moved through successive location
s along a learned trajectory during completion trials, place cell firi
ng gradually shifted from late phases of a theta cycle, where future l
ocations were ''predicted'' (intrinsic information dominated), to earl
y phases of a cycle, where the current location was ''perceived'' (aff
erent sources dominated). This result suggests that the GABAergic modu
lation of temporal sequence learning may serve as a general framework
for understanding navigational phenomena such as the phase precession