Endothelial cells alter their morphology, growth rate, and metabolism in re
sponse to fluid shear stress. To study rapid flow-induced responses in the
3D endothelial cell morphology and calcium distribution, coupled fluorescen
ce microscopy with optical sectioning, digital imaging, and numerical decon
volution techniques have been utilized. Results demonstrate that within the
first minutes of flow application nuclear calcium is increasing. In the sa
me time frame whole cell height and nuclear height are reduced by about 1 m
um. Whole cell height changes may facilitate reduction of shear stress grad
ients on the luminal surface, whereas nuclear structural changes may be imp
ortant for modulating endothelial growth rate and metabolism. To study the
role of the cytoskeleton in these responses, endothelial cells have been tr
eated with specific disrupters (acrylamide, cytochalasin D, and colchicine)
of each of the cytoskeleton elements (intermediate filaments, microfilamen
ts, and microtubules, respectively). None of these compounds had any effect
on the shear-induced calcium response. Cytochalasin D and acrylamide did n
ot affect the shear-induced nuclear morphology changes. Colchicine, however
, completely abrogated the response, indicating that microtubules may be im
plicated in force transmission from the plasma membrane to the nucleus. A p
edagogical model based on tensegrity theory principles is presented that is
consistent with the results on the 3D endothelial morphology.