Various coefficients in sediment transport models must be accounted for. Mo
dels based on depth-averaged equations and sediment carrying capacity formu
la contain some coefficients: alpha, k, and m. At the present, no widely ac
ceptable method has been developed for determining the values of these coef
ficients. The focus of this paper is in the development of semi-theoretical
formulas for estimating these coefficients such that, in practical applica
tions, the uncertainty involved in selecting coefficients is minimized. Mod
el verification shows that the coefficients obtained from the proposed form
ulas give a good simulation of the channel bed deformation. In addition, Ro
use's equation for sediment concentration distribution will become solvable
because the reference concentration can be determined from the derived exp
ression for alpha. The simulated concentration profiles obtained by solving
the Rouse's equation and alpha formula agree reasonably well with the meas
ured data.