The relationships between sediment production, storage, and transport in fl
uvial systems are complex and variable. Key issues in addressing these rela
tionships are the residence times of sediment delivered to the channel, and
the proportion derived from recent upland erosion as opposed to remobilize
d alluvium. The systematic changes in iron geochemistry often experienced b
y sediments deposited in an anaerobic environment, such as a stream channel
or waterlogged floodplain, are used here as an indicator of residence time
over contemporary time scales, In areas such as east Texas, where upland s
oils are high in iron oxide content, these changes are reflected in soil co
lor. Alluvium with red, yellow, or brown colors indicating ferric (oxidized
) iron and sufficient organic matter for reduction to occur indicates a sho
rt (< 1 year) residence time. Redox Features along root channels may indica
te the residence time of oxidized material without organic matter. Alluvium
with gley colors (Munsell chroma < 3) indicates a longer residence time (>
1 year). Sediments with the longest residence times in alluvial environmen
ts (>> 1 year) will not oxidize on exposure to the atmosphere due to the lo
ss of iron, while those with ferrous iron remaining will experience oxidati
on and color change on exposure. In Loco Bayou, Texas, these indicators of
residence time are shown to be generally consistent with other field eviden
ce of erosion and sedimentation. Further, the color indicators correctly in
dicate the residence time in several cases where the latter is known from f
ield observations. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.