Recent advances in the physiology of hippocampal interneurons are summ
arized in this article. These findings suggest that through their inte
rconnectivity inhibitory interneurons can maintain large-scale oscilla
tions at various frequency ranges (theta, gamma, and 200-Hz bands). We
suggest that networks of inhibitory interneurons within the forebrain
impose coordinated oscillatory ''contexts'' for the ''content'' carri
ed by networks of principal cells. These oscillating inhibitory networ
ks may provide the precise temporal structure necessary for ensembles
of neurons to perform. specific functions, such as memory trace format
ion and retrieval. In addition, synaptic inhibition is shown to reduce
the somadendritic backpropagation of sodium spikes and to prevent the
occurrence of calcium spikes in dendrites. These observations indicat
e that interneurons are in an excellent position to control neuronal p
lasticity and allow synaptic transmission either with or without long-
term modification of synaptic strength.