Objectives: To assess in venous cord blood the distribution of major lympho
cyte subsets according to pH and medications used during labor.
Design and methods: Venous cord blood was sampled immediately after labor f
rom 70 newborns (35 males and 35 females) delivered vaginally. Lymphocytes
were immunophenotyped by Row cytometry and pH was measured using the AVL 90
0 automated blood gas analysis system. Data on birth weight, gestational ag
e at delivery, length of labor, presence of stained amniotic fluid, medicat
ions used during labor, maternal risk factors, age and parity were collecte
Results: The percentage of T lymphocytes decreased while the percentage of
NK lymphocytes increased with decreasing pH over the whole range of pH valu
es. The proportions of T and NK lymphocytes were associated with the admini
stration of neuroplegics, spasmolytics or dihydroergotoxin in the first sta
ge of labor.
Conclusions: Cord blood pH and labor-associated variables should be taken i
nto account to adequately interpret the profile of major lymphocyte subsets
as a marker of the effect of different prenatal factors on the immune syst
em of neonates. (C) 2001 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. All rig
hts reserved.