Neural tube defects represent one of a limited number of congenital conditi
ons for which primary prevention strategies are available. Despite strong c
linical evidence to support the preventive effect of supplementary folio ac
id given prior to conception and continued throughout the first 12 weeks of
pregnancy, there is limited recent epidemiological data to support the eff
ectiveness of national folio acid supplementation programs. Whether folio a
cid fortification of staple foods will provide a more effective means of ac
hieving further reductions in the prevalence rates for this condition remai
ns open to question. Recent advances associating folio acid supplementation
, hyperhomocysteinaemia and neural tube defects provide a new insight into
the possible pathological mechanism of this and possibly other related cong
enital conditions. (C) 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins