Objective: To investigate the effects of a specific aspect of the acquisiti
on procedure, the averaging technique, on the evaluation of click-evoked ot
oacoustic emissions (CEOAEs) in newborns.
Design: CEOAEs were recorded by an Otodynamic ILO88 system from 89 full-ter
m newborns at the third day after delivery. For each ear and in the same te
st session, CEOAEs were evoked by 75 to 85 dB pSPl; acoustic clicks and ave
raged according to two different modes: the "linear" (classic average) and
the "derived" mode, which allows the cancellation of linear behaving compon
ents (such as acoustic artifacts). All examined ears had a normal auditory
function as assessed by conventional ABR between the ages of 2 and 4 mo. CE
OAEs obtained by both averaging techniques were compared on the basis of se
veral quantitative parameters: the waveform similarity; the levels of signa
l and noise and the inter-test reproducibility of the broadband response an
d of four different frequency bands centered at 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, and 4 kHz; t
he amplitude as a function of time; the test time. To eliminate the contrib
ution of the stimulus artifact, linear CEOAEs were windowed 6 to 20 msec, w
hereas derived emissions were windowed using the default ILO88 window (2.5
to 20 msec). Additionally, CEOAEs were classified as "pass" or "fail" accor
dingly to screening criteria used in the daily clinical practice.
Results: Linear and derived emissions had very similar wave shapes and no t
ime shifts during the first 12.5 msec. On the contrary, clear differences i
n the waveforms and time shifts were observed at longer latencies. The use
of both averaging techniques resulted in identical CEOAE levels for both th
e broadband response and for the first two tested frequencies. For the last
two frequencies, emission levels were lower when averaged with the linear
technique owing to the use of the time window 6 to 20 msec, which reduces t
he amplitudes of high-frequency components. The residual noise in derived t
races is 6 dB higher than that from linear traces. Also, derived CEOAEs had
a lower inter-test reproducibility in both the broadband compound emission
and in the four frequency bands examined here. The greatest difference in
reproducibility was observed at the lowest band (1.2 to 2 kHz). Scoring of
emissions was influenced by the averaging technique: 14% CEOAEs obtained wi
th linear averaging and scored as passes were classified as fails when aver
aged with the derived mode. Moreover, if a CEOAE was scored as pass when us
ing the derived technique, it arise was scored as pass when using linear av
eraging. The increased number of false positives most likely was due to the
higher noise floor/lower signal to noise ratio (SNR) of CEOAEs obtained wi
th the derived technique.
Conclusions: In the tested newborns and at the Levels of stimulation used i
n this study, the emissions obtained with the derived technique were noisie
r than those obtained with the linear technique, this being intrinsically d
ue to the type of averaging. Therefore, screening criteria based on the eva
luation of the SNR (or similar parameters) could be influenced by the type
of averaging used during the acquisition.