Ecosystem management requires the explicit treatment of interactions betwee
n humans and ecosystems. An exploratory model for integrating social and ec
ological dynamics was introduced to study ecosystem management strategies.
This paper focuses on the management of lake eutrophication. The model was
developed to include the dynamics of the lake, the behaviour of agents usin
g phosphorus for agricultural purposes, and the interactions between ecosys
tem and farmers. Analyses with the model showed that the dominating type of
cognitive processing was a relevant factor in the response to uncertainty
and policy measures. A higher target level for returns on the use of phosph
orus was found to lead to a more intensive use of phosphorus and to higher
levels of phosphorus in the lake. Simulated farmers used phosphorus more in
tensively in situations with high natural variability. A tax on phosphorus
had little effect on the behaviour of the farmers when they felt uncertain
and had low target levels for returns. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All r
ights reserved.