Thrombospondin 1 (TSP1) is a multifunctional protein able to activate TGF b
eta and to inhibit angiogenesis in vivo. Although usually thought of as an
inhibitor of tumor growth, TSP1 may sometimes be present at high levels dur
ing tumor progression, suggesting that tumors can eventually overcome their
anti-tumor effects. Using a tet-repressible expression system, we demonstr
ate that murine TSP1 delayed the onset of tumor growth when produced in the
tumor bed by rat fibrosarcoma tumor cells or by stromal fibroblasts coinje
cted with unmodified Cb glioma tumor cells. Yet upon prolonged exposure to
TSP1, tumors came to grow at the same rate in the presence as in the absenc
e of TSP1 and transplantation experiments showed that they had become insen
sitive to inhibition by TSP1 in both syngeneic and immune compromised hosts
. Tumor resistance to TSP1 developed as a result of the in vivo outgrowth o
f pre-existing tumor cell variants that (1) secreted increased amounts of a
ngiogenic factors that counterbalanced the inhibitory effect of TSP1 on neo
vascularization and (2) grew more efficiently in the presence of TSP1-activ
ated TGE beta. These results indicate that prolonged and continuous local d
elivery of a single multifunctional angiogenesis inhibitor like TSP1 to fas
t-growing tumors can lead to tumor resistance in vivo by fostering the outg
rowth of subpopulations that are a by-product of the genetic instability of
the tumor cells themselves.