A new radioactive ion beam line designed to work at higher energy equivalen
t up to a magnetic rigidity of 10.64Tm is going to be constructed at Lanzho
u. It is to connect the main ring and the experiment ring of the HIRFL-CSR
complex. The separator is mirror-symmetrically configured both in geometry
and magnet strength, achieving a point-point and parallel-parallel image at
its intermediate focal plane with maximum spatial dispersion. Achromatism
is automatically realized at the final focal plane. The total length is abo
ut 26 meters. Its resolution power of magnetic rigidity is 1200 at +/-1% mo
mentum deviation and +/- 25mrad divergence simultaneously. With sextupole-
and octupole- magnets carefully positioned and powered, second and third-or
der aberrations are corrected to a large extent. The magnet design has alre
ady fulfilled.