NWChem is a computational chemistry software suite developed for massively
parallel computers in the W. R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Labo
ratory at the U.S. Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Labora
tory. This software integrates a range of modules for computational chemist
ry applications, including classical molecular dynamics simulations and qua
ntum mechanical calculations. This contribution provides details of the cla
ssical molecular dynamics module and focuses on issues related to load bala
ncing on massively parallel computers, in particular the ISM SPN and the Gr
ay T3E (TM) as examples of distributed and shared memory massively parallel
architectures. The implementation of the molecular dynamics module of NWCh
em is based on a domain decomposition of the chemical system, faking advant
age of the distribution of data to reduce the memory requirements and the l
ocality of intermolecular interactions to reduce the communication requirem
ents. This approach results in a more complex implementation because of the
requirement of periodic atomic reassignments and the need for sophisticate
d load-balancing techniques.