The Mars regional atmospheric modeling system (MRAMS) is introduced, and se
lected model results are presented and compared with landed meteorological
data when possible. MRAMS is descended from a nonhydrostatic Earth mesoscal
e and cloud-scale model that is widely used for forecasting weather and sim
ulating atmospheric systems over complex terrain. Mesoscale models such as
MRAMS are ideal tools for making use of the high-resolution data sets arriv
ing from Mars Global Surveyor experiments. Simulation of the Mars Pathfinde
r (MPF) landing site at L-s = 142 using 1/2 degree Mars orbiter laser altim
eter (MOLA)-derived topography and thermal emission spectrometer thermal in
ertia is shown to be in good agreement with observed near-surface temperatu
re, pressure, and wind direction. Simulations of topographically induced th
ermal circulations and mountain-induced gravity waves are shown to be consi
stent with theory and earlier studies that tie large-amplitude mountain wav
es to strong winds capable of producing dust streaks and local dust-lifting
events. A large eddy simulation of the convective boundary layer provides
estimates of vertical profiles of heat flux, momentum flux, turbulent kinet
ic energy, and vertical velocity variance. The model results suggest that t
he martian atmosphere is roughly two to three times more turbulent than the
terrestrial atmosphere during the afternoon, but fluxes are roughly an ord
er of magnitude smaller due to the lower density. Dust-devil-like circulati
ons are also predicted in the large eddy simulation. Finally, a simulation
that examines atmosphere-surface interactions near Big Crater is discussed.
Predicted surface wind stress patterns are consistent with aeolian process
es inferred through Mars Orbiter Camera imagery of Big Crater, located near
the MPF landing site. (C) 2001 Academic Press.