A general parametrically and externally excited mechanical system is consid
ered. The main attention is focused on the dynamical properties of local bi
furcations as well as global bifurcations including homoclinic and heterocl
inic bifurcations. In particular, degenerate bifurcations of codimension 3
are studied in detail. The original mechanical system is first transformed
to averaged equations using the method of multiple scales. With the aid of
normal form theory, the explicit expressions of the normal form associated
with a double-zero eigenvalue and Z(2)-symmetry for the averaged equations
are obtained. Based on the normal form, it has been shown that a parametric
ally and externally excited mechanical system can exhibit homoclinic and he
teroclinic bifurcations, multiple limit cycles, and jumping phenomena in am
plitude modulated oscillations. Numerical simulations are also given to ver
ify the good analytical predictions.