This paper presents a micro-mechanistic approach for modeling fatigue damag
e initiation due to cyclic plasticity and cyclic creep in eutectic Pb-Sn so
lder. The issue of damage evolution is deferred to a future paper. Fatigue
damage model due to cyclic plasticity is modeled with d islocation mechanic
s. A conceptual framework is provided to quantify the influence of temperat
ure on fatigue damage due to cyclic plasticity. Damage mechanics due to cyc
lic creep is modeled with a void nucleation model based on micro-structural
stress fields. Micro-structural stress states are estimated under viscopla
stic phenomena like grain boundary sliding and its blocking at second phase
particles, and diffusional creep relaxation. A conceptual framework is pro
vided to quantify the creep-fatigue damage due to thermo-mechanical cycling