The Kondo effect in a quantum dot is discussed. In the standard Coulomb blo
ckade setting, tunneling between the dot and the leads is weak, the number
of electrons in the dot is well-defined and discrete; the Kondo effect may
be considered in the framework of the conventional one-level Anderson impur
ity model. It turns out however, that the Kondo temperature T-K in the case
of weak tunneling is extremely low. In the opposite case of almost reflect
ionless single-mode junctions connecting the dot to the leads, the average
charge of the dot is not discrete. Surprisingly, its spin may remain quanti
zed: s = 1/2 or s = 0, depending (periodically) on the gate voltage. Such a
"spin-charge separation" occurs because, unlike an Anderson impurity, a qu
antum dot carries a broad-band, dense spectrum of discrete levels. In the d
oublet state, the Kondo effect develops with a significantly enhanced T-K.
Like in the weak-tunneling regime, the enhanced T-K exhibits strong mesosco
pic fluctuations. The statistics of the fluctuations is universal, and rela
ted to the Porter-Thomas statistics of the wave function fluctuations.