Experiments on measuring the decay periods of long-lived Hf-180m and Sr-87m
isomers at room temperature and at 77 K in massive samples of HfO2 , Sr(NO
3)(2) , and SrCO3 are reported. The isomeric nuclear states were excited by
irradiating the samples with neutrons from a Pu-Be source. According to th
e theory of V.I. Vysotskii et al., the T-1/2 value must increase if a gamma
-active nucleus is surrounded by many identical ground-state nuclei, becau
se these distort the spectrum of electromagnetic vacuum oscillations near t
he nuclear energy level. As the temperature of the sample decreases, gamma
-ray lines narrow, especially for the low-energy Mossbauer transitions, the
reby enhancing the resonance effect on the spectrum of vacuum oscillations.
For the Hf-180m isomer, whose upper gamma transition carries away 57.55 ke
V, the T-1/2 value was found to increase by 2.99 +/- 0.87% upon sample cool
ing. For Sr-87m, whose decay scheme has no Mossbauer lines, the relative ch
ange in T-1 /2 was found to be 0.77 +/- 0.53%. (C) 2001 MAIK "Nauka/Interpe