Introduction: Cyclosporin eye-drops allow local immunoregulation without sy
stemic side effects and is an alternate to local steroids. In this article
we review specific problems of product setup and clinical studies published
over the past 20 years.
Product setup: The main problems in eye-drop preparation are sterility, pH,
particles. and its lipophilic properties, Numerous excipients have been te
sted including oil solvents, alphacyclodextrin, collagen shields, liposomes
, polyester nanocapsules, but documentation on stability of the molecule is
Toxicity: Epithelial toxicity is well known and is probably mainly due to t
he excipient, No endothelial toxicity has been described in vivo. Repeated
doses lead to uveal reactions in animals, which could limit the indications
for intraocular diseases.
Pharmacokinetics: Bioavailability is mainly limited by the lipophilic prope
rties. Oil excipients, the most widely used, lead to good corneal penetrati
on but low intraocular concentrations. Cyclosporin bioavailability is impro
ved when using hydrophilic excipients.
Indications: Every ocular surface disease that involves cytokines is a pote
ntial indication for cyclosporine eyedrops : keratoconjunctivitis sicca, ve
rnal keratitis, adjuvant therapy of filtering surgery, stromal herpes kerat
itis, immunity limbal keratitis, and Thygeson's keratitis. There is biologi
cal evidence of efficacy, and encouraging results from many studies, yet fe
w have tested a large number of patients. A large multicenter study on dry
eye is currently in progress.